Helping Colorado’s accident
victims for over 25 years.

Aurora Motorcycle Accident Attorney

There are plenty of motorcyclists in and around Aurora, Colorado. These are exciting vehicles to operate, and they offer riders the opportunity to really experience the outside world. Unfortunately, severe injuries can occur when passenger vehicles collide with motorcycles. At The O’Sullivan Law Firm, we are here to help if you need an Aurora motorcycle accident attorney by your side. Our team has the resources necessary to thoroughly investigate these claims and properly determine the liability of the other driver. Let us help you secure the compensation you need now.

Why Choose The O’Sullivan Law Firm for Help?

  • At The O’Sullivan Law Firm, we have a track record of success and have secured significant multimillion-dollar settlements on behalf of injury victims throughout Colorado.
  • We provide personalized attention to every client that we take, which means that we take the time to listen to their goals and needs so we can formulate the best strategy moving forward.
  • We take motorcycle accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that our clients will not have to pay any legal fees until after we obtain the compensation they need.

How Will an Attorney Help Your Claim?

Motorcycle accident claims can be complex, particularly when dealing with unwarranted biases against the motorcyclist by the insurance carrier or a personal injury jury. The role of an Aurora motorcycle accident attorney will be to gather all evidence needed to prove liability, which can include photos or video surveillance of the incident, vehicle “black box” data, mobile device data, safety records of the other drivers involved, eyewitness statements, and more.

An Aurora motorcycle accident lawyer will also ensure their client is evaluated by a trusted medical professional who can treat their injuries and help properly calculate their total expected recovery time and losses. An attorney will negotiate with the insurance carriers involved while trying to reach a fair out-of-court settlement, but they will also fully prepare to take the case to trial, if necessary.

Aurora Motorcycle Accidents Often Result in Severe Injuries

Despite any precautions that motorcyclists take to ensure their safety, the reality is that an impact with a passenger vehicle can result in severe injuries for those involved. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, motor vehicle crashes are among the leading cause of death in Colorado. It should be noted that Colorado does not have a universal helmet law, but even motorcyclists who wear helmets can still suffer from significant injuries. Motorcyclists often suffer from multiple injury-causing impacts when a collision occurs, particularly one with the vehicle and another with the ground.

It is not uncommon for the Aurora motorcycle accident lawyers at The O’Sullivan Law Firm to help clients who have sustained the following injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Skull fractures
  • Head or facial wounds
  • Broken or dislocated bones
  • Lacerations or road rash
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal cord trauma with paralysis
  • Other severe back or neck injury

Contact an Aurora Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

If you or somebody you love has been injured in a motorcycle crash caused by the actions of another driver in the Aurora area, please seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At The O’Sullivan Law Firm, we are ready to step up and help you secure the compensation you need to get through this. Our Aurora personal injury attorneys have the resources necessary to fully investigate every aspect of these claims, determine liability, and take on insurance carriers and at-fault parties. When you need an Aurora motorcycle accident attorney, you can contact us online for a free consultation or call us today at (303) 388-5304.

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