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Possible DUI Suspected in Rear-End Collision Near S University Blvd

January 31, 2025
Denver Metro Motor Vehicle Accidents

DENVER, CO 1/29/2025. On January 29, 2025, at 11:15 AM a traffic incident was reported near the intersection of S University Blvd and E Arkansas Ave in the Washington Park neighborhood of Denver. The incident involved a rear-end collision between two passenger vehicles traveling south; one was stopped in traffic, and the other was following too closely. The situation occurred roughly two blocks south of the major cross streets S University Blvd and E Exposition Ave. No serious injuries or fatalities were reported, but authorities have indicated that driving under the influence may have been a factor.

The O’Sullivan Law Firm is dedicated to the safety of all Coloradans. If you, or someone you know, has been injured or affected by someone operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, please contact the O’Sullivan Law Firm for a free consultation. Call us at 303-388-5304 or reach out to us online.

Data sources include City of Denver Open Data Catalog used under the license terms of CC BY 3.0

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