What if you’re the victim of someone else’s negligent driving? Many people automatically assume that the other person’s insurance will simply step up to the plate and take care of their expenses, no questions asked. But it’s not that easy, of course, so whose insurance do you call when someone …
While many of the cases I handle are truly accidents – good people who make a mistake on the road – DUI accidents involve someone who chose to drink and chose to drive. For those people, I have little sympathy and I consider it a personal mission to make sure …
Back in the day (you know a guy is of a “certain age” when he starts a story like this), we didn’t have to wear seatbelts. I remember traveling …
At the heart of the issue is the argument against distracted driving. It’s simply dangerous to be distracted while you’re driving! (It’s also dangerous to walk distracted.) So, we all agree that using social media while driving is a bad idea. But did you know that it is …
The insurance industry is at it again. But this time, they aren’t trying to avoid paying their clients; they are trying take away client rights entirely by creating new laws that benefit the insurance industry, not victims. Auto insurance companies are already notorious for not paying victims of car and …