Helping Colorado’s accident
victims for over 25 years.


Discover Denver in a Whole New Way: By Bus!

September 25, 2021

By Janalee Chmel

I’m one of those people who desperately desire for Denver to be more walkable and bikeable. I’m trying to bike more, but learning that my youngest daughter’s hectic after-school schedule is a giant blockade to the whole bike-to-school effort.

I also desire to use public transit more …

Biking in Colorado: Picture Yourself Doing it!

July 23, 2021

I recently had a great conversation with Jack Todd, Director of Communications and Policy for Bicycle Colorado. We discussed the organization’s plans for 2021 and beyond. As you know, as a Denver bicycle accident lawyer, I’m a big proponent of bicycle safety in Denver and Colorado. Since my …

Dispersed, Free Camping in Colorado: Get Out There! (But follow the rules.)

July 19, 2021

So, last year, you may recall that I wrote a long, dreamy article about camping and all of the new gear and gadgets hitting the market. I was spending my quarantine surfing YouTube and imagining all the ways I would escape my house when vaccines helped us emerge from the …

How to Commute to Work or School by Bike

June 2, 2021

image of woman in white pantsuit on bicycle | colorado bike lawyer

If you’re like me, you would love to ride your bike to work or to the grocery store, but Denver’s traffic is so bananas that you’re worried about safety. My office is only a couple of miles from my house, but there are some very busy streets between the two, …

Why Were Traffic Fatalities So High in 2020?

April 29, 2021

photo of traffic on highway | colorado denver car accident lawyer

I made some inaccurate assumptions in 2020 when we were all sent into lockdown for the pandemic. Namely: I assumed that serious car accidents would plummet, a statistic I eagerly sought in the news, hoping we would see fewer fatal car crashes. (I may be a Denver personal injury attorney

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