Recently, the American Association for Justice (AAJ) published a report called, “The Ten Worst Insurance Companies in America: How they raise premiums, deny claims and refuse insurance to those who need it most.” In today’s blog, I’m going to first share some of the findings from that report …
People who are the victims of a car accident tend to make one big mistake when they are taken to the hospital: they give the other driver’s auto insurance information to the hospital. I understand why: they think that the car accident wasn’t their fault, so someone else should pay. …
What is the Colorado Make Whole Doctrine? What is a subrogation claim? Read on to find out.
Thanks to, sometimes, misleading commercials by Denver personal injury attorneys, a lot of people think that, if they get into a car accident or motorcycle accident that wasn’t their fault, they have …
What if you’re the victim of someone else’s negligent driving? Many people automatically assume that the other person’s insurance will simply step up to the plate and take care of their expenses, no questions asked. But it’s not that easy, of course, so whose insurance do you call when someone …
The insurance industry is at it again. But this time, they aren’t trying to avoid paying their clients; they are trying take away client rights entirely by creating new laws that benefit the insurance industry, not victims. Auto insurance companies are already notorious for not paying victims of car and …