Do you have enough car insurance to take care of yourself if you get in a crash with someone who has little to no insurance? That is the question at the heart of this article. Because a huge percentage of drivers on …
Before I get into the meat of this story, let me share some quick bullet points. If you read nothing else, read this list:
Just because USAA has a reputation for representing the good guys – US military personnel and their families – doesn’t mean you can trust USAA any more than any other insurance company. Yes, their mission is admirable, but their tactics are just like any other insurance company. …
Have you checked out my Denver Accident Map recently? I defy you to toggle the hit-and-run button and not gasp at how many markers pop onto the screen. You can hardly see the map underneath all of the markers!
Here are some tips for the Denver Accident Map:
I have yet another cautionary tale to share with you but let me get right to the point: You should always exchange insurance information at the scene of a car crash. Always. End of story. I don’t care if no one was hurt, or if the damage is minimal, or …