Helping Colorado’s accident
victims for over 25 years.


Why I Keep My Denver Personal Injury Firm Small

December 28, 2021

I recently had a conversation with one of my sons about our family business, The O’Sullivan Law Firm. It’s my hope that he grows up and, one day, I can pass this firm on to him. For now, he is interested in the law and that’s all I can ask.

Rideshare Accidents Are Becoming More Common In Denver

November 18, 2021

I am seeing more rideshare accidents in Denver. My wife and I were in a rideshare car recently (I can’t remember if it was Uber or Lyft) and there were two drivers in the car: the passenger was teaching the driver how to drive in America! He ran two red

What Should I Do if I’m In an Accident with an Amazon Driver?

November 12, 2021

Remember when we all panicked about the idea of Amazon delivering packages with drones? I’m not sure that concept is worse than the plague-of-locusts style of van delivery service we now all witness on a daily basis.

For example, I am currently representing a client who was in her car …

Accident Reconstruction: Like CSI for Car and Motorcycle Crashes

January 28, 2021

As a personal injury attorney in Denver, I have to deal with a lot of “he-said/she-said” events. I am hired by victims of car or motorcycle accidents who desperately need to prove that the other driver caused the accident, but if the other driver is lying about how the …

What Does a Personal Injury Attorney Do?

December 17, 2020

image of lawyer with injured woman | denver personal injury lawyer

As a Denver personal injury attorney, I often get asked, “Soooo, what is it you do exactly?” I think most people have a sense of what a personal injury attorney does because of the commercials we all endure on the radio and television. In a nutshell, a personal injury …

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