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A Parent Contract for Teen Drivers

June 3, 2015
Safe Driving

Teen Driver ContractParents, take note!  Before you hand the keys over to your teen driver, you need to have a heart-to-heart about your expectations and the consequences your teen will face for ignoring them.

This does not have to be a “put the hammer down” conversation. Remember that this is an exciting time in your teen’s life (and their newfound freedom could translate into more freedom for you, too!).

The teen-driver contract below is meant to inspire positive conversations, help you and your teen to agree on consequences, and reward good behavior! (Parenting 101 stuff) Feel free to copy and paste the contract below or download a copy now.

In the end, it all comes down to keeping our teens safe.


This is an exciting time in your life!  You can drive!

This is a terrifying time in my life. You can drive!

As you know, car crashes are the number-one killer of American teens. That is a scary statistic for a parent handing the keys over to a teen.  At the same time, I understand that your new independence as a driver is important to you and potentially helpful to me.

Therefore, I want us to agree to some fundamental rules for your driving experience. If you follow these rules, you will maintain your driving privileges. If you do not, you will face consequences. Likewise, I have included my own promises and responsibilities, and I have even included rewards if you exhibit outstanding driving behavior.

Together, if we abide by these rules, we can keep you safe and give you the freedom you desire!


  • Check in with me before you drive.
  • Let me know where you are going and what time to expect you home.
  • Tell me who your passengers will be.

Consequences for violations:  No driving for ________ weeks/months.


  • Always wear a seat belt and make your passengers wear seat belts.
  • Obey all traffic laws and posted signs.
  • Never speed or drive aggressively.
  • Keep both hands on the wheel.
  • Do not drive in adverse weather.

Consequences for violations:  No driving for ________ weeks/months.


  • Never drive with more than ________ teenage passenger(s) in the car.
  • If you believe your passenger is being unsafe or distracting you, pull over and call me. You can tell me a white lie so that your passenger is unaware of your concerns and I will come get you! (For example, “I suddenly feel too sick to drive.”) (See “CALL ME” section below.)

Consequences for violations:  No driving for  ________ weeks/months.


  • Never use your cell phone while the car is running. This includes talking, texting and even GPS usage. Pull over to call, text, or to figure out where you are.
  • Do not use earphones or mp3 players in the car.
  • Do not eat while you are driving.
  • Consequences for violations:  No driving for ________ weeks/months.


  • Never drive if you have used drugs or alcohol.
  • Never allow drugs or alcohol into your car.
  • Never allow passengers who have used drugs or alcohol into your car.
  • Never get into another car with a driver who has used drugs or alcohol.
  • Never get into another car where drugs or alcohol are present.

Consequences for violations:  No driving for ________ weeks/months.


  • I expect you to pay for all traffic citations. Until those are paid, you can’t use the car.
  • I expect you to contribute to the costs of gas, maintenance and insurance as listed here _____________________________________________________________.
  • I understand that plans change. Call me if you’ll be later than expected.

Consequences for violations:  No driving for ________ weeks/months.


  • I expect you to maintain good grades in order to keep your driving privileges. If your grades drop as listed here, you will lose driving privileges until they improve.
  • Grade expectations: ____________________________________________________________


  • Call home if you are concerned for your safety as a driver or as a passenger.
  • As your parent, I promise that I will pick you up no matter where you are, no matter the time of day or night.
  • I promise not to ask embarrassing questions in front of your friends.


  • When you’re in the car with another teen driver, speak up when you notice unsafe behavior! There is a good chance that your friend just wants your “permission” to be safe without trying to impress you.
  • Let your friends know that you admire safe driving habits.


To my teen,

  • For every one month of safe driving, following all of the rules outlined here with zero infractions, I will: _____________________________________________

(suggested rewards: pay your cell phone bill for one month; fill your gas tank once; get you that “bling” you’ve always wanted, etc.)

  • If you achieve six months of safe driving, following all of the rules outlined here with zero infractions, I will  ____________________________________________

(suggested rewards: pay your cell phone bill for two months; fill your gas tank for a month; get you that “bling” you’ve always wanted, etc.)

Teen Driver

I agree to abide by all of these rules in order to maintain my driving privileges.

Signature: _______________________________   Date: ____________


I promise to take time to help my teenager develop good driving habits. I will also listen when he/she proposes reasonable changes to this contract.

Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________

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