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Who Fixes Your Motorcycle After an Accident that Wasn’t Your Fault? – VIDEO

March 27, 2020
Motorcycle Accidents Motorcycle Insurance Videos


So you’re in a motorcycle accident, and it wasn’t your fault. Now, who’s gonna pay for your bike? Hi, my name is Scott O’Sullivan of the O’Sullivan law firm, and I’m here to tell you a few things that you’re probably not going to want to hear.

The first is you should probably use your motorcycle insurance, in particular, the collision insurance and then your extra riders for your bags, all the different kind of stuff that you have on your bike. It’s not just the stock stuff. Here’s why you want to do that. The other side’s insurance company owes you zero duty to take care of you and/or your motorcycle, where your insurance, your collision insurance for your motorcycle does owe you duty and they have a duty to do it in a reasonable amount of time, to get it fixed or totaled. In most cases, I’m sorry to tell you, in motorcycles, they get totaled, but you have that right to use yours.

90% of the time I encourage my motorcycle clients to use their collision insurance. I strongly recommend that you have collision insurance on your motorcycle, whether it’s an old clunker or a brand new thing that you’re super proud of. Either way, you should have it because as soon as it gets wrecked it stinks when that happens, and there’s just nothing I can do if you don’t have a collision.

If you have any questions here’s a link for more information about what kind of motorcycle insurance you’ll need in Colorado. If you have any questions about motorcycle insurance or anything else, consult with our Denver motorcycle accident lawyers today at (303) 388-5304.

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