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Common Form of Distracted Driving: Rubbernecking

April 13, 2022
Safe Driving

I must admit, I too have been a rubbernecker. If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about – rubbernecking is when you slow down at the scene of an accident to look at the wreckage. It’s that weird, sick side of our curiosity that wants to see how badly an accident was. 

And while it’s only natural behavior, it’s also dangerous, because we are then more vulnerable to the traffic around us. Most commonly, it creates a haven for rear-end cars. 

So rubbernecking is actually a form of distracted driving, and it’s the 2nd most common type of accident we see. 

Beware: We often see rear-end accidents on I-25 between Denver and the Denver Tech Center when people are driving 10-30 miles an hour when traffic is heavy. Between rubbernecking and other means of distracted driving (e.g. looking at phones, eating, etc.) this is a particularly dangerous stretch. 

Then, after a stupid rear-ending people don’t call the police! Whether they’re in a hurry or don’t want to further clog traffic they just ignore the things to do after an accident. Sure, it’s a hassle, but those things, that start with calling the police (for a police report so you can settle a claim) are important to protect yourself and your family. 

But you need to call the police. You’ll also need the other driver’s license and insurance info. Then you should get pictures of everything, the cars, the surroundings, including the skidmarks on the road if it was bad. This will all help you prove your case and settle a claim when it comes to that. Because without these things, it is very hard for me to help you when your insurance company (like Fred Loya) tries to short you. 

People make mistakes and we’re all curious. But rubbernecking on the highway is a form of distracted driving, and you may end up causing an accident yourself, so try to deny that urge and keep your eyes on the road – and by “road” I mean the car in front of you. 

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