A few years ago, I wrote a story about the worst auto insurance companies in America. It was based on a report written by the American Association for Justice, which was published in 2016. That article got a LOT of attention, but it’s starting to get a bit old. Since I’m an experienced car accident attorney in Denver, I get asked my advice on auto insurance companies on a regular basis, so I thought I’d look to see if the AAJ had done a more recent report. It doesn’t appear that they have, so I looked for another objective report that I might cite… and I found a great article and resource.
First, let me tell you about AutoInsurance.org, a free online resource that is unaffiliated with any insurance providers. The company strives to be an objective, third-party resource for everything related to auto insurance – the good, the bad, the ugly. The site does provide some handy research tools to help you find cheap auto insurance rates, but the most valuable piece of their company’s mission comes from the articles they write. I encourage you to check them out if you are confused about anything related to auto insurance. (I mean, you can always contact me, too! I’m pretty savvy, if I do say so myself.)
But I digress.
On April 21, 2020, the company posted a story titled, “What are the worst auto insurance companies in America?” Interestingly, before the article really begins, there is a box that states, among other things, “AIG is absolutely the worst of the worst, according to the J.D. Power and Associates research.” Clearly, the editors aren’t pulling punches.
The article goes on to list the following companies in no particular order:
I found that to be an interesting list. Just four years earlier, the AAJ had reported these as the worst:
Clearly AIG is a repeat offender.
The AutoInsurance.org editors stated that these were some of their criteria that landed people on their Worst List:
Even after reading this list, I still stand by my list of the worst auto insurance companies, which we originally ran in 2017. As a busy Denver auto accident attorney, I deal with a lot of insurance companies and I can tell you the ones that we dread working with because they always try to deny their clients’ rights.
They are… (starting with the worst of the worst):
Read my previous article on this topic to get specific stories about the tactics these companies employ to deny accident victims the payments they’re owed. It’s inhumane.
If you’re dealing with a difficult auto insurance company after being a car accident victim in Denver, contact our personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation. You don’t have to fight them alone.